WhatsApp Store Management

One WhatsApp account for multiple stores and sales agents’ collaboration.

Trusted by 5,000+ clients worldwide
Must-have features for OMO (online-merge-offline) integration

Establish a management system for stores and sales agents in the WhatsApp account

One WhatsApp account
for multiple stores

Upload name and ID of stores and establish a management system in the WhatsApp account

Exclusive setting for stores

Customers bind to the preferred store via WhatsApp. Exclusive saved replies and coupons can be used for different stores.

Advanced sales feature: 1 on 1 binding

Customers bind to salespeople via WhatsApp for receiving 1 on 1 professional sales service.

WhatsApp Store Management System

Store Management

Establish store management system

Upload name and ID of stores and establish a management system in the WhatsApp account


Bind to stores

Customers bind to the store via WhatsApp, and the salespeople of the store are automatically assigned to follow up conversations.

Use WhatsApp for binding online and offline:

  • Connect with the official WhatsApp account through the exclusive QR code/link of the store
  • Use Chatbot to guide customers to select a store and bind to it
Saved Replies

Exclusive saved replies for stores

The saved replies can only be used by the staff of the store. The store agents can quickly reply to the frequently asked questions of the stores.


WhatsApp Broadcast to the binding contacts

Send broadcast messages to the WhatsApp contacts who bind to the designated store.

Sales and performance tracking via WhatsApp

Sales Profiles

Build profiles for salespeople

Upload the information of the salespeople and the store to which s/he belongs for profile creation.


Customers-sales binding

Customers bind to the store via WhatsApp, and the designated salespeople of the store will follow up the conversations.

3 ways for customers binding to the salespeople:

  • Connect with the official WhatsApp account through the exclusive QR code/link of the store
  • Keyword auto-assignment
  • Automatically dispatch to the store sales in turn after binding to the store
1 on 1 Conversations

WhatsApp 1 on 1 conversation

Sales can reply to WhatsApp messages from customers who have been bound via Omnichat App, conducting professional services and sales.

  • The App can only show the conversations from customers who have been bound
  • Saved reply: Quickly reply to customers’ frequently asked questions
  • Broadcast to selected customers: blast out messages to multiple customers in one go
  • Exclusive coupons: managers can set exclusive coupons for sales agents, which can further increase the conversion rate
  • Online sales tracking: Online orders can also be included into the performance of sales

Statistical report

Track the number of customers bound by salespeople, the number of messages sent, product referral orders and sales performance. Managers can view sales data by region and branch.

Advanced features

Success Stories

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x conversion rate
with Omnichat
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