Social Customer Data Platform

Transform scattered data into consolidated 360-degree customer profiles, enabling hyper-personalized experiences and seamless automation

Omnichannel data tracking, processing, and analysis

With Omnichat Social CDP you can integrate all data sources, analyze customer data, create comprehensive 360-degree customer profiles, and apply this data to your marketing and customer management strategies.

Enhance Your Customer Lifetime Value through Stronger Relationships

Unifying Diverse Social Media Identities

Connect with your customers across different social media platforms, ensuring you reach them on their preferred channels at the most opportune times.

Automated Customer Engagement

Deliver tailored messages through automated customer journeys, using precise segmentation to engage customers effectively.

Customized Messaging

Analyze customer preferences to craft personalized messages for various interactions, such as first visits, membership sign-ups, or repeat purchases.

CRM and eShop Integration

Build a comprehensive customer database by integrating with existing CRM systems, online store platforms, and member segmentation tools, consolidating all customer data in one place.

Unified Retail Sales Data

Synchronized data from physical stores, including purchase history, membership details, and inventory, to drive targeted remarketing campaigns based on customer behavior.

Cross-Channel Connector

Easily guide your customers to different channels with a single click, and bind their identities across those channels. Harness the unique strengths of each channel to craft highly effective marketing campaigns.

Automated Customer Journey with One-to-One Messaging
Profile Mapping​

Omnichannel Social Customer

Track fragmented data and consolidate it into comprehensive social profiles to create a complete 360-degree customer view.


Customer Analysis

Analyze your contacts’ status, growth channels, and growth rate to gain insights into “contact sources” and “binding sources”, and optimize your communication and marketing strategies accordingly.

Cross-Channel Connector

Cross-Channel Connector: Seamless Cross-Channel Identity Integration

Effortlessly integrate customer identities across major social platforms.

Enable seamless navigation between FB, LINE, IG, WhatsApp, and more, ensuring uninterrupted customer data tracking.

Consolidate all data, tags, and customer information into a unified customer profile.

Membership Card

Membership Card​

Sync your customers’ member data to Omnichat for broadcasting, retargeting, customer service, and customer management.

Key Features:

  • Data Sync: Synchronize member data with Omnichat customer profiles.
  • Mobile Number Binding: Bind customer’s WhatsApp number, LINE UID and membership identity through mobile verification.
  • Member Center: Customers can open the membership card on WhatsApp to view their membership information.
  • My Orders: Customers can open the membership card on WhatsApp to view their order information.
Customized Messaging

Personalized Messages

Whether data is collected through API, directly by Omnichat, or provided by customers, Omnichat can seamlessly integrate it into your message content, helping you craft the perfect customer journey.

Flexible Triggers

Omnichannel Customer Journey

Automatically initiate personalized journeys based on customer data changes to strengthen your customer relationships, enhance your brand loyalty, and encourage repeat purchases.

Flexible Trigger Conditions:

  • It can be triggered by native social media data or synchronized data from other systems, such as checkout, membership upgrades, total spending threshold, etc.
  • Advanced Journey Segmentation: During the journey, further segmentations can be done based on the customer’s shopping behavior, binding status, custom data, and other conditions for precise communication.
  • Diverse Interaction Methods: Including broadcasts, scheduling time delays, audience segmentation, and adding or removing tags.

Unified Customer Data and Cross-Channel Interactions with Open API Integration
CDP Conntectors

Integrated CRM/CDP for Unified Customer Profiles and Cross-Channel Personalized Engagement

Integrate CRM/CDP systems for consolidated customer data, cross-system journey triggers, and interactive notifications.

E-commerce Integration

E-commerce Member Data Sync

Sync your e-commerce member lists, profiles, and order data to enhance targeted remarketing, improve your customer service communication, and reduce the workload on your customer support team.

Ad Platform Integration

Integrate Meta and LINE ad platforms to fully track user journeys from ad engagement to conversion.

Send conversion events and lists from WhatsApp and LINE back to the ad platforms to enhance ad performance tracking, optimize ad placements, and build precise audience segments.

Open API

With Omnichat’s Open API and Webhook, you can integrate any system or data for further utilization.

Open API Supports:

  • Customer data sync
  • Sending messages across systems
  • Shopping records sync
  • Store schedules and referral link sync
  • Backing up messages and bound staff

Additionally, Omnichat supports integrating with other systems’ APIs, making it easy to unify your digital marketing tools.

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